Ledwise The company was established in 2007, starting with one product: flexible LED strip, which gained high appreciation among the customers. LEDwise Technology Limited is now an LEDwise™ solution provider focused on a large range of LED lighting products.We distinguish ourselves from other LED applications manufacturers by focusing on solving difficult LED lighting problems using the combined total capabilities of our organization. We are committed to excellence of responsiveness and unique solutions. We have established a cadre of products ready for quickly creating custom product solutions to exact requirements.Today's technological and market achievements in the field of visual lighting must be formed by a partnering relationship, which we encourage. By merging your ideas with our engineering capabilities and experience, we can create imaginative new product solutions to meet emerging applications. Our theme is to be "Your LEDwise™' Solution and LEDwise Supplier"We encourage you to visit us as you tour this brochure, share your comments and ideas with us. We will keep it fresh with new products, applications and LED design considerations that will provide you with the LEDwise™ solution for your next innovation.Feel invited to become our partners.