* Multifunction Intelligent Air Purifier Sterilizing, Deodorizing, Ultra fine dust removal, Automatic recognition, Automatic search, Reservation function The optimized features and performance ! LUVA-Pureair Plus
* 4in1 function LUVA air purifier Sterilize, Deodorize, Ultra fine dust removal, Aromatherapy function Compact with excellent performance! LUVA-Pureair.
* Quiet infants LUVA air purifier Sterilize, Deodorize, Ultra fine dust removal, Low noise function Excellent ultra fine dust removal performance! LUVA-Pureair Edge.
* Portable sterilizing LUVA air purifier Sterilizing, deodorizing, dust removal, USB charging function Excellent Sterilizing performance! LuvA-Pureair Lite.